Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Are you carrying a torch?


I'm deciding which way to orient this bead...north and south, or east and west.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Back on Track

After yesterday's confession, I wanted to prove that I'm back at work, dutifully crafting butterflies and dragonflies, with only an occasional fairy peeking through.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I am a Worker Bee!

Now, I'm not talking about manual labor in the hot sun, but when I have a job to do, I am a good worker.  I wake up early.  I stay up late.  I wear a path between my studio and my baking station.  I set goals.  I have daily quotas.  I can get her done.  All this is good, because I have eight art shows this year and lots of new retail connections, but for some reason, all I want to do today is play.  I'm still in the studio.  It still looks like I'm working to all outside observers, but my daily quota has flown out the window.  Instead, I made this little fairy.  Don't judge :)

Square Dance Dresses

I follow a French polymer blog, where I saw some cute little dress earrings.  I thought I'd give them an American twist by making them into square dance dresses.  Well, sort of fairy/square dance dresses.  Merci, foufimot!  C'est une bonne idée!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Big, Hollow Beads

Monday, July 8, 2013

More Earrings

Design 360!


I'm revisiting earrings.  I want to try some whose design can be seen from all sides.  What do you think?

Monday, July 1, 2013

What a find! BUG HAT!!!!!!

I found this antique wire egg basket at my local Deseret Industries to display my insects.  Love the shape and the patina.  Looks like a BUG HAT!!!!


These are light and easy to wear, though they have a big presence.